Grey Fox, Men’s Style Blogger

grey fox David Portrait 1 (1)

Since 2011 David Evans, AKA Grey Fox, has been building up a sizeable online following with his blog,  covering the somewhat overlooked world of style for the over 40’s gentleman. Regularly appearing in the UK press and flying the flag for british made products, we caught up with him to find out more about the foundations of classic style.


Hello Grey Fox! I’d like to start by asking what ‘style’ means to you?

Style is the means of showing your unique personality in a tasteful, understated way that focuses on quality and craftsmanship. It doesn’t have to involve expense, but can take time to research and acquire. Style develops and improves with practice.

Why do you think older men should care about style?

For the same reasons as anyone else; style isn’t just an issue for the older man. It’s a way of showing self-respect and respect for others. You wouldn’t (I hope) go on a date, to a formal meal or an interview looking unprepared and untidy – it’s style that shows you care.

Where’s a good place for a chap to start?

I think it’s an attitude of mind. Appreciate good things and well-made objects, whether new or historic. You come to see that all quality objects, works of art or written works are the products of effort, good design and experience. They look, feel and work as they do because an expert has taken a long time designing and making them and designed them on artistic principles. So with your style; it needs to be created over many years as you acquire confidence and skill. If it’s rushed, or you simply copy others, you won’t achieve style as you won’t be allowing your own experience and personality to show through.

You are very vocal in your championing of British manufacturers – What are some of your favourite British-made labels right now?

Cherchbi, Tusting, Cheaney, Holdall & Co, Dashing Tweeds, SEH Kelly, Nigel Cabourn, Pantherella, DR Harris, Johnstons of Elgin, are a few that spring to mind. There are many others that show the same mix of outstanding quality of design and manufacture, while retaining that unique stamp that a British-made product has.

What’s one item you’d recommend every well dressed man to have on standby in his wardrobe?

A pair of Northampton-made brogues.

And finally – how can people connect with you?

Through my blog,,

Twitter – @GreyFoxBlog
Facebook –
Pinterest –

Instagram –

And see The Grey Style Project on Tumblr –

Thanks Grey Fox!

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