Oi veh! – Mr Slang’s Guide to Yiddish

Christmas is a coming, this is my 100th post, so what could be more apposite than…a few words on Yiddish?

Yiddish, sometimes known as Jüdisch -Deutsch (Jewish-German)  is the dialect of German spoken by the German or Ashkenazi (Hebrew: ‘German’, i.e. European) Jews. It has been recorded since the 9th-10th centuries, when Jews from east-central France and northern Italy began migrating to the Rhineland.  It is composed of Hebrew – the sacred language of Judaism, Laaz – Romance languages as modified by Jewish speakers in France and Italy, and German – their new adoptive tongue. When a new migration, further east, to Central and Eastern Europe began in the 13th century, a fourth component, Slavic, was introduced. Old Yiddish fell into two language groups, those of Western (with borrowing from French and Low German), and Eastern Europe (with borrowings from Slavic and Hebrew) divided along an approximate line running from the western Baltic to the Black Sea, but Western Yiddish had almost vanished by the 18th century and the modern version, as found in Anglophone slang, is invariably that of eastern Europe with a secondary division between northern Lithuanian (Litvak) and southern Polish (Polak) dialects.

The language is a natural candidate for a role within slang: its chief topics are, as apostrophized by Michael Wex in his history of Yiddish Born to Kvetch (2008), ‘cursing and deflating the expectations of others’, plus complaining, often against God. To quote Wex’s summation: ‘Adam gave names to all created things; his Yiddish-speaking descendants offer critiques.’ The critique: along with doubt, perhaps slang’s primary guiding ethos. Like Yiddish, slang is the great lexis of the put-down, the bitch and the moan.

Of the Yiddish terms that populate contemporary slang, a good many derive from sex, especially the penis, and more particularly those words, just like mainstream prick or dork, where words for the male member serve a double role and also mean the fool: shmuck, putz, schmeckel or yutz. And dominating the rest? The Inuit do not, popular belief notwithstanding, have an especially wide-ranging list of synonyms for snow. But Yiddish undoubtedly knows a fool, and the gradations thereof: shlub, shloomp, shmo, shlemiehl, schlimazel, schmendrick… Yiddish also, suggests Wax, can be seen as one of the precursors of the game of ritual insults that is known in African American communities as the dirty dozens, joaning or sounding. The Yiddish version is not slang as such, but is based on the same principles. Wax offers a sample, which starts with the relatively restrained A beyzer gzar zol af dir kumen (May an evil decree come upon you) and moves to the triumphant (and internally rhyming) Zol dir lign in keyver der eyver, in di kishkes a lokh mit a sheyver (May your penis lie in a grave, [may] a hole and hernia [lie] in your guts.) The Catholics, martyrs to Mariolatory, befoul the virgin in their curses; the Jews, martyrs to their digestive systems, assail the stomach.

‘There are several Hebrew terms in our Cant language, obtained, it would appear, from the intercourse of the thieves with the Jew fences (receivers of stolen goods).’ Thus Henry Mayhew in London Labour and the London Poor and he was correct as to the presence of the ‘Hebrew’, i.e. Yiddish words – though one must take his theory as to their adoption on trust. Yiddish certainly hadn’t appeared in England  before the 18th century. Although there were international elements within the begging language, there are neither Hebrew nor Yiddish roots to be found in the 16th or 17th century begging lexicons. Only the mysterious cant word autem, a church, with its 18th century derivatives autem-bawler (a preacher), autem cackle-tub (a dissenters; conventicle), autem-diver  (a pickpocket who works in church) and several others, has been attributed to Yiddish, but it is more likely rooted in the synonymous French argot entonne or simply standard English altar. Nor, until Oliver Cromwell permitted their return, were there any Jews. The earliest recorded term seems to be the word smous, a German Jew, which is cited in 1705. (The word would become far better known in South Africa where by the late 19th century it meant an itinerant Jewish peddler). Smous comes from Yiddish schmus, patter and ultimately Hebrew schmuoss, news or tales; it also lies behind the 19th century Yiddishism schmooze, which covers a variety of persuasive speech, whether flattering, profit-making or amatory. In 1785 Grose includes smear-gelt, a bribe, a calque of Yiddish smiergelt, literally. ‘money for greasing’, i.e. the palm. The term swindler had moved into standard English by the mid-19th century, but it had supposedly been imported by German Jewish immigrants around 1762 and its first users were criminals. Its origins were Yiddish: schwindeln, to be giddy, to act thoughtlessly or extravagantly, and thence to swindle.

The greatest efflorescence of Yiddish was, naturally, America, or more particularly New York. If 120,000 immigrants from Russia had arrived in the UK following a rash of pogroms in 1881, and mainly stayed in London’s East End, almost two million made their way to America, and often to New York’s Lower East Side between 1880-1914. These immigrants were not the first to speak Yiddish – there are records of Yiddish as used among the first Jewish arrivals in the 18th century – but it was under their impulse that the language, initially used only between Jews, moved out into broader slang, channeled through areas of life in which Jews had found a home, especially  the world of popular entertainment. The Jewish comedian – Mel Brooks, Woody Allen and above all Lenny Bruce [above] – garnishing his schtick or stage routine with Yiddish is an American staple. Bruce, who also filled his on-stage diatribes with black slang, jazz jargon and a general over-view of the current counter-culture, was  perhaps the exemplar of the type. Among the terms he gave his audiences were already, bubbe mayse, fress, kike, mensch, mockie, momser, nafka, the suffix –nik, putz, schlep, schlub, schmeer, schmuck, schnook, schnorrer, schtarka, schtup, shiksa, spritz, toches, tsuris, and tummler. The lexis both played to his often Jewish fans – as the recorded laughs make clear – but also introduced others to what seemed an arcane world.

Certain words, while not imported from Yiddish, draw on its for their origins.The Yiddish/Russian vyigrysh, profit, winnings lies behind vigorish, used by the US underworld to mean interest on a debt or loan; faggot, meaning a homosexual and often abbreviated as fag, still defies the etymologists, but while it may well be linked to the 18th century faggot, a derogatory term for a woman, it may also be underpinned by feygele, little bird. Another small bird is found in gunsel. As famously misunderstood after its use by Dashiell Hammettt in The Maltese Falcon (1930, movie 1941) to describe Elmer, Gutman’s sidekick, it has regularly been translated as ‘gunman’ and can be found as such in the pulp fictions of Robert Leslie Bellem, ‘Curt Cannon’ and several others. The reality is found in the German word gänslein, a little goose, thence Yiddish genzel, a man’s young male lover.

image ©Gabriel Green
You can buy Green’s Dictionary of Slang, as well as Jonathon’s more slimline Chambers Slang Dictionary, plus other entertaining works, at his Amazon page. Jonathon also blogs and Tweets.
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About Author Profile: Jonathon Green

Jonathon 'Mr Slang' Green is the world's leading lexicographer of English slang. You can buy Green's Dictionary of Slang, as well as Jonathon's more slimline Chambers Slang Dictionary, plus other entertaining works, at his Amazon page. Jonathon also blogs and Tweets.

14 thoughts on “Oi veh! – Mr Slang’s Guide to Yiddish

  1. Wormstir@gmail.com'
    December 13, 2012 at 08:06

    100 posts of utmost interest and excellence Jonathon!

    I love Yiddish words, especially words for food- practically every single one of them has to be pronounced in a way that encourages one to really roll them around the mouth and savour

  2. johngjobling@googlemail.com'
    December 13, 2012 at 14:46

    We shall raise a glass to the next one hundred Jonathon. The recent discovery and subsequent excavation of Köln’s Judengasse, the old Jewish quarter, smack in front of the Wallraf-Richartz museum has led to much speculation over the possibility of graffiti “oi veh already, that brother-in-law, what a schmuck”.Kind of a North Rhine version of old Jews telling jokes.

  3. tobyash@hotmail.com'
    December 13, 2012 at 15:11

    Another excellent post to mark your 100th. Thanks so much for all of them Jonathon – reading your post is a high point in my week.

  4. Brit
    December 13, 2012 at 17:42

    Wot they said.

    There’s something essentially comic about Yiddish, in a bleak way. It seems the perfect tongue for expressing a certain kind of outraged world-weariness, but in a funny way.

    Although one of the funniest Yiddish-based skits I’ve seen is in the Christohger Guest film ‘A Mighty Wind’, in which a Judeo-Swedish TV producer peppers his conversation with all these geshmuckels and geschmookels which might or might not be completely phoney.

  5. george.jansen55@gmail.com'
    December 13, 2012 at 21:13

    I once tried to persuade my son to render “eheu!” by “oy, veh!” on his Latin homework. He thought not.

    You write

    ” the modern version, as found in Anglophone slang, is invariably that of eastern Europe”

    Well, yes, but still with that German base, isn’t it? You could hardly claim to have functioning Yiddish slang with such words as schmuck, mensch, fress, and so on.

    Mad Magazine & such sources had an influence in fly-over country that probably went considerably beyond Lenny Bruce’s.

    And I’ll add that I’ve heard “dozens” but not “dirty dozens”, and supposed “joaning” to be “joneing” or “jonesing”.

  6. Gaw
    December 13, 2012 at 21:21

    What a wonderful potted history of a culture, one that I find particularly intriguing given my great-grandfather was a Litvak. I’ve mentioned it before but your handling of these slang words is so evocative of people and places, such an effective way to lend the past immediacy. I hope we can look forward to much more…

    BTW great pic of Lenny Bruce, someone whose Jewishness I hadn’t fully appreciated before.

  7. Wormstir@gmail.com'
    December 13, 2012 at 22:24

    I’ve never actually experienced any Lenny Bruce. I must rectify this error

    • johngjobling@googlemail.com'
      December 13, 2012 at 22:49

      Try Kenny Bruce.

      • Gaw
        December 14, 2012 at 07:57

        Up there with Steve Bruce.

  8. jgslang@gmail.com'
    December 14, 2012 at 08:38

    Mr Slang is beyond blushes. Mr Green is not. All kind comments are very gratefully received.

    Lenny Bruce (Gaw, think birth name Leonard Schneider; Worm, don’t hesitate to self-immerse) is my only hero. I fear I may have made this point before and at tedious length. It is very satisfying to have him adorning post 100, albeit, and as usual, in shtuck.

    George: Mad (fershlugginer, etc.) was indeed influential, though I wonder how much of its ‘Yiddish’ was invented. (I have every issue on a DVD and will do some checking). Jonesing is to be desperate for something, usually narcotics (a jones is the addiction itself). You’re right about the residual role of German, which was always one of the three primary language strands; it was the western European influence – French, low German (paradoxically spoken in northern Germany and eastern Netherlands) that fell away.

    • johngjobling@googlemail.com'
      December 14, 2012 at 09:34

      Goethe thought that the northern German dialect was rough trade, uncouth, the kraut version of North Tyneside Geordie, as viewed from west Sussex.

    • george.jansen55@gmail.com'
      December 14, 2012 at 11:30

      Yes on “jonesing”, where a jones is an addiction: I guess it was “joaning” or “joneing” I heard. And the quintessential Mad Magazine word was “potrzebie”, which is simply the Polish for need, discovered by one of the editors in the instructions for aspirin.

  9. info@ShopCurious.com'
    December 14, 2012 at 14:56

    Mazel tov!

  10. samguy@att.net'
    Nick Arnstein
    December 29, 2012 at 03:14

    And don’t forget that the great Jewish divas, Barbra and Bette have been to proudly wave their yiddshkeit over the years!

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