Saunton Sands

Mid-January and we’re no doubt approaching what some discredited mathematical formula or other decrees is the ‘most depressing day of the year’. Certainly we’re all broke, tired, a year closer to death, facing another existential crisis. It’s perfect British beach weather… Previously on my extensive Dabbler Country tour of Britain’s seaside resorts I ... Read More...

Walking in Leicestershire

Nige explores a county where "history is written on the face of the land"... Tell someone you're going walking in Leicestershire and chances are you'll be greeted by a blank bewildered look, or the bald question 'Why?' In fact, Leicestershire has some of the best walking country in England - wide open ... Read More...

How to Dress for the Country

Nige prescribes the correct attire for gentlemanly perambulations... Strolling on Blakeney marshes, I couldn't help but notice that everyone I passed was kitted out for Walking, as it is conceived in these car-bound times - not walking as in the most basic natural activity known to creatures afflicted with bipedalism, but ... Read More...

In llfracombe, hungover

Having said all there is to say about Skegness, Brit continues his Dabbler tour of England's seaside towns with a visit to Ilfracombe... There’s a nice little new aquarium in the Devon seaside town of Ilfracombe which takes you down, tank by tank, from the source of the Taw to the ... Read More...

A Life of Folly

Gwyn Headley must have a claim to being the leading authority on British follies - those purposless pieces of architecture that contribute so much to the greatness and gaiety of the nation. He has recently published the definitive guide Follies of England, available in a series of county-by-county ebooks from ... Read More...

‘Who knows the fate of his bones?…’

Nige ponders the unusual movements of some writerly remains... The photograph above depicts Sir Thomas Browne's tomb in St Peter Mancroft, Norwich - his coffin is in the chancel of the church. It was accidentally opened in 1840, and some bright spark took the skull - theft of skulls was a common weakness of ... Read More...