John Gross: The Literary Liberal

From the Dabbler archives, Rosie Bell's excellent tribute to John Gross. The post is also notable for concluding with some remarkable lit-crit twaddle from one Dr Dylan Trigg, subsequent star of a Noseybonk episode... I was sorry to hear of the death of John Gross. His Rise and Fall of the ... Read More...

Pendant’s Coroner

Definition of Pendants Coroner: when someone corrects someone else’s grammar, punctuation, spelling or factual knowledge, and in the process makes some risible error or errors.  It derives from a thread on Harry’s Place when a commenter came to correct some points of grammar, punctuation, etc. under the moniker (unintentional) of ... Read More...

TV Review: Women in Love, BBC 4

The BBC’s adaptation of D H Lawrence’s Women in Love looked lovely (viewable on the iPlayer). There was a lot of white, from the white horses at the beginning to the sheets hanging in the garden, the tiles in the kitchen and the women‘s blouses and petticoats. There were muted soft ... Read More...

John Gross: The Literary Liberal

I was sorry to hear of the death of John Gross.  His Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters is one of my favourite books and has been since I was a teenager. We were living in humid Hamilton, New Zealand, a city that was growing fast with wide sticky roads ... Read More...

Palm de Brass

I wasted about 100 minutes of my sleeping time the other night to watch an execrable film called Irina Palm.  It starred Marianne Faithfull and I enjoy her singing, but her idea of acting is to be catatonic with slow, vague reactions.  The screen play was dire - the story ... Read More...

The Song of Lunch

The Song of Lunch, BBC2’s filmed version of Christopher Reid’s long poem, was excellent. I had some misgivings because a poem’s own words should be able to take care of themselves without the help of images and it’s an abomination to put music behind a poem, but I found it effective ... Read More...