Book Review: Leningrad by Anna Reid

Elberry finds historian Anna Reid successfully managing a difficult balancing act in her new book about the seige of Leningrad, which killed four times as many people as Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined... "When one man dies it is a tragedy, when thousands die it's statistics" (Stalin to Churchill at Teheran) And the opening ... Read More...

Review: The Possessed by Elif Batumann

The Possessed is the uncategorisable hit 'memoir' by friend of The Dabbler Elif Batumann. Brit reviewed it here and Elif herself contributed a guest Dabble here. Now Elberry offers his review... This is a pleasing, deceptively readable book, fairly accurately subtitled "Adventures with Russian Books and the People Who Read Them". It is a ... Read More...

The brain is weirder than the sky…

We've been marking the launch of occasional Dabbler Bryan Appleyard's new book The Brain is Wider than the Sky with a mini-Appleyardfest (read Brit's review here and an exclusive Q&A with the author here). To conclude it, here's Elberry on the human imagination... Signed copy competition winners - congratulations to Dabbler ... Read More...