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About Author Profile: Worm

In between dealing with all things technological in the Dabbler engine room, Worm writes the weekly Wikiworm column every Saturday and our monthly Book Club newsletters.

One thought on “The Brown Dog Affair

    November 3, 2015 at 04:32

    Another example of the (male) medical student of yesteryear being a sort of avatar of general bad behaviour. I would imagine every medical school has its stories of cadavers being taken out for pints and similar high jinks (the veracity of which I doubt due to rigor mortis) I recall a detailed account in Graham Greene’s “A Gun For Sale” of a medical student “rag” and I am sure there are many many other examples.

    One of the most striking quotes was this:

    ” A local doctor told the South Western Star that this was a sign of the “utter degeneration” of junior doctors: “I can remember the time when it was more than 10 policemen could do to take one student. The Anglo-Saxon race is played out.””

    So while I was about to point out that things had largely changed by 1996 when I started medical school, I realise I would be joining a long line of things-aint-what-they-used-to-be merchants (except without the Anglo-Saxon race bit)

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