Halloween versus Guy Fawkes

Susan's off on her travels again this week, but here's a seasonal Retroprogressive from the archives... Over the coming weeks there are two major celebrations, but why has Halloween become so much more popular than Guy Fawkes Night in the UK? In view of current concerns over the preservation of our nation’s ... Read More...

My Favourite Jesuit

Frank recalls a very memorable teacher (not pictured above)... “Who's your favourite Jesuit, Frank?” It's not a question I am asked very often, but when I am, I reply, without skipping a beat, “Why, Gerard Manley Hopkins, of course!” This can lead to a supplementary question, where I am limited to ... Read More...

Early Jodo vs Late Jodo

Looking for more bande dessinée lunacy? Then read on... Recently I reviewed The Incal, the epic psychedelic space opera from the all-round holy madman Alejandro Jodorowsky and French comics master Moebius. It is, as I said, good to a consciousness-scrambling degree. But Jodorowsky has many other works available in English, and ... Read More...