June’s selection: The Champion by Tim Binding

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Our next selection is…

The Champion, a novel by Tim Binding – set in the 1980s and ’90s, The Lady had this to say about it:

Binding’s expansive portrait of life in the orbital South East is lit up with passages of real descriptive power and dark comedy. The plot moves along at an invigorating pace, and the characters, none of them especially likeable, neatly embody a small-town show-down between the old world and the new. It’s an engaging and gutsy novel that reminds us that boom and bust is a story that never goes away.

If you’d like to win a copy you just need to join the Book Club (if you haven’t already) by completing the form below (Ts and Cs apply).  Winners will be randomly selected and free review copies will be posted to them (we’ve arranged for them to be delivered internationally so don’t be put off if you don’t live in the UK). If you win and don’t want the book you can opt out, and let another member have the chance.

Readers can send reviews to editorial@thedabbler.co.uk , and on Tuesday 7 June we’ll post our own reviews of the book and selected opinions from readers. There’s no obligation for winners to join in the review debate with your comments and opinions, but we’d appreciate it!

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Thanks to Pan MacMillan for providing books.

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