A Cotswold Village at Christmas II

Here's a little more on a late-Victorian Christmas as experienced by the scholar-squire J. Arthur Gibbs, author of A Cotswold Village. J. Arthur has a strong sense of history, aware that he's encountering a way of country life that's rooted not just in place but also in time. Christmas and the ... Read More...

Dabbler Soup – Up the sprout

Following up her triumphant venison mincemeat recipe, Jassy attempts a Christmas Mission Impossible: making sprouts edible... Is there a more painful Christmas ritual than the annual passing round of the Brussels sprouts, accompanied by the traditional chant: “You have to take at least one, you have to take at least one”? ... Read More...

A Christmas Gift for You from Philles Records

Psychotic murderer he may have been, but Phil Spector didn’t half make a cracking Christmas record. 1963’s A Christmas Gift for You from Philles Records (later re-released as …from Phil Spector) is the perfect accompaniment to digging the tree out of the attic, draping tinsel over the telly, adhering little bits of ... Read More...

6 Clicks…For The Endless Voyage: Toby Ash

In our occasional feature we invite guests to select the six cultural links that might sustain them if, by some mischance, they were forced to spend eternity in a succession of airport departure lounges with only an iPad or similar device for company. Today’s voyager is The Dabbler’s very own correspondent ... Read More...

The Dabbler’s Round Blogworld Quiz #5

Poacher is turning gamekeeper this week as brilliant puzzle-solver Adelephant poses her own fiendish Round Blogworld Quiz question (see the previous ones and their solutions here). But if she's disqualified from answering it, then who will? Time to step up to the plate, Dabblers, as they say these days. As usual, find ... Read More...

A Cotswold Village at Christmas I

A Cotswold Village is one of my favourite books, mostly for sentimental reasons - I grew up in the Cotswolds - but also because it's a wonderful historical document that anyone interested in country life should enjoy. Written at the close of the 19th century, its author, J. Arthur Gibbs, ... Read More...